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Angle Space Sight AS-SDT,Angle sights w/ Standard Picatinny Mounts

Angle Space Sight AS-SDT,Angle sights w/ Standard Picatinny Mounts Compatible with any caliber weapon
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The Accutact Angle Sight Tactical Riflescope features 1x magnification and works perfectly with red dot sights, laser sights, iron sights, tandem sight assemblies, and night vision sights, making it an ideal complement to any weapon.
Angle Space Sight AS-SDT is a dual-path mirrored gun sight that allows you to aim normally or covertly.
This Command Arms Accutact Around the Corner rifle scope rotates 360 degrees so you can aim at your target from any angle.
The Accutact Angle Sight tactical rifle scope is a completely optical design that requires no zeroing or calibration.

The Angle Space Sight AS-SDT ia a dual-path mirror gun sight that lets you sight normally or see - and shoot - around corners and from behind cover. This Accutact Around the Corner Sight is great for police, SWAT, CQB, infantry, urban combat and special ops. This Anglesight Weapon Scope manufactured by Accutact is made of 6063 Aluminum, making it perfect for the field.The Accutact Angle Sight Tactical Scope has a 1x magnification and works perfectly with Red Dot Sights, Laser Sights, Iron Sights, Tandem Sight Assemblies and Night Vision Sights, making it the ideal addition to any weapon. This Command Arms Accutact Around the Corner Rifle Sight rotates 360 degrees so you can sight your target at any angle. The Accutact Behind Corner Gun Sight has dual path optics and allows the shooter to immediately transition from a concealed shot to a standard shoulder aimed shot without repositioning the optics. The Accutact Anglesight Weapon Scope is compatible with any caliber weapon including rifles, shotguns, handguns and less lethal weapons. Completely optical, the Accutact Angle Sight Tactical Rifle-Scope requires no zeroing or calibration.The Angle Space Sight AS-SDT is an innovative device that not only enhances standard shooting accuracy but also provides a unique advantage for shoulder aiming. With its precision engineering and ergonomic design, this rifle scopes allows for seamless transition between different shooting positions, making it ideal for both novice shooters and experienced marksmen alike. Whether you are aiming downrange with steady precision or quickly adjusting your aim in a dynamic shooting situation, the Angle Space Sight AS-SDT ensures that you maintain control and accuracy with every shot. this vortex rifle scopes nikon versatility and reliability make it a must-have accessory for anyone serious about improving their shooting skills.It is a best rifle scopes brands.The innovative Angle Space Sight AS-SDT features a concealed design that allows shooters to take aim from corners or behind cover, especially in situations where obstacles may obstruct the line of sight or when the shooter needs to remain hidden for safety. This cutting-edge rifle scopes provides a tactical advantage by enabling precise shooting while maintaining a low profile. With its stealthy design, shooters can confidently maneuver in confined spaces or remain undetected while maintaining a strategic position. Whether navigating complex environments or engaging in covert operations, the Angle Space Sight AS-SDT offers versatility and reliability for shooters seeking to enhance their tactical capabilities.The Angle Space Sight AS-SDT Concealed Shooting Principle is a game-changer in the world of rifle scopes. Not only does this advanced technology allow for a full 360° rotation, giving shooters the ability to aim from any angle with precision and ease, but it also provides a level of concealment.
Imagine this: you're in a tactical situation where you need to take out a target without exposing yourself. With the Angle Space Sight AS-SDT, you can extend your gun beyond any obstacles or cover, adjust the best rifle scopes accordingly, and line up to shot without risking detection. This innovative design ensures that the shooter remains hidden while still maintaining a clear line of sight to their target.
The Angle Space Sight AS-SDT is not just a tool for improved accuracy; it's a strategic advantage that can make all the difference in high-pressure scenarios. By allowing shooters to manipulate their line of sight like never before, this cutting-edge technology is redefining what's possible in the field of firearm optics. So whether you're a professional marksman or a recreational shooter, the Angle Space Sight AS-SDT is a must-have for anyone looking to take their shooting skills to the next level. The Angle Space Sight AS-SDT is a big rifle scopes brands.
The Angle Space Sight AS-SDT Can be rotated0°/180°/270°/360° ,it comes equipped with a standard Picatinny rail mount. This innovative rifle scope allows for precise aiming at any angle, making it a versatile option for shooters using rifles, shotguns, handguns, and more. With its durable construction and wide compatibility with various caliber weapons, the Angle Space Sight AS-SDT is a top choice for hunters, sports shooters, and tactical professionals alike. Its advanced design ensures that users can easily adjust their aim in any situation, whether in the field or on the range, enhancing their accuracy and overall shooting experience.

Features of  Angle Sight Tactical Weapon Scope:
Fogproof yes
Sand/Dust Proof yes
Waterproof yes
Eye Relief Unlimited
Material 6063 Aluminum
Length: 51.2mm
Length of the lens: 23.5mm
Weight: 143g
Color: Black, Blue, Tan
Aiming and firing around obstacles and corners
Dual Path Optics lets you transition from a concealed shot to shoulder shot
Entirely Optical
Compatible with any caliber weapon

 Angle sights w/ Standard Picatinny Mounts. The Angle Space Sight AS-SDT ia a dual-path mirror gun sight that lets you sight normally or see and shoot around corners and from behind cover. This Angle Space Sight is great for police, SWAT, CQB, infantry, urban combat and special ops. The Angle Sight Tactical Scope has a 1x magnification and works perfectly with Red Dot Sights, Laser Sights, Iron Sights, Tandem Sight Assemblies and Night Vision Sights, making it the ideal addition to any weapon. This Command Arms Around the Corner Rifle Sight rotates 360 degrees so you can sight your target at any angle. The Behind Corner Gun Sight has dual path optics and allows the shooter to immediately transition from a concealed shot to a standard shoulder aimed shot without repositioning the optics. The Angle sight Weapon Scope is compatible with any caliber weapon including rifles, shotguns, handguns and less lethal weapons. Completely optical, the Angle Sight Tactical Rifle-Scope requires no zeroing or calibration.

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